
  • 2021 - Current
    Software Engineer
    Integration IA services with react and tailwind cssDevelopment and build of DB with mongoDB
  • 2021 - Current
    Software Engineer
    Development of the Spot2 platform with the use of React, Redux, and Material UIDevelopment map with the use of Google Maps APIDevelopment internal platform with the use of React, Redux, and Material UITesting and debugging
  • 2021 - 2021
    Frontend developer
    Development of the Imaginamos platform with the use of React, Redux, and Material UIWork in ETB project with the use of React, Redux, and Material UI
  • 2021 - 2021
    Frontend developer
    Support in the QA area and bug reviewUse of SCRUM methodologyClaro projects with the use of frameworks and libraries such as react and angularUse of redux toolkit as aproposal which allowed a shorter development time when using this tool
  • 2021 - 2021
    S I G
    Software developer
    Development of a dashboard with react admin and chartjs for managing and entering information
  • 2019 - 2021
    Software developer
    Productive collaborationwiththebackendteamforthecreationofthe conversationalclubsEffective coding of conversational clubs following design guide lines and using the Redux statemanagerCreation of the Bookii page in Spanish and change of texts in cmsGeneration of static posts using Gatsby and the Contentful cms for the Bookii blog